Exploring the depths of intimate faith with the Lord

Meet Brenda

A Catholic teacher, writer, speaker, and garden designer, I invite people to come to know and trust our Lord so that they can more fully surrender to Him and live the life for which He created them.  It’s an invitation to intimacy and an incredibly beautiful way to live!

  • I am the parchment … as He writes it on my heart, like the scribe, I will write it down.

  • Be not afraid; I am with you. I have called you each by name.

    Isaiah 43:1

  • He said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus.

    Matthew 14:29

  • And he said to them, “Take nothing for your journey…”

    Luke 9:3

  • Non nisi Te, Domine “Nothing if not you, Lord.”

    St. Thomas Aquinas

  • “Totally love Him who gave Himself over totally for love of you.”

    St. Clare of Assisi

  • St. Clare in a letter to St. Francis

    Sit with them Francis. Tell them not to be in such a hurry! Ask them to sit and feel our Lord’s presence. Let them know, “There is an inner garden!”

  • “Francis, rebuild my Church, for as you can see it is fallen into ruin.”

    Our Lord's words as He spoke to St. Francis of Assisi from the San Damiano crucifix

  • “I can never help being amazed that the Lord would have such an intimate relationship with His creatures. ...my spirit becomes entirely drowned in Him.”

    St. Faustina in Diary Entry 1523

Recent Blog Posts

“At once Jesus spoke to them,

“Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”

— Matthew 14:27

Let these words be like a key

that unlocks the hearts of those seeking you, leading them to the truth of who you say they are, your beloved, inviting them to surrender and step into intimacy with you,  the intimacy from which the love of the Eternal Father touches the deepest recesses of the heart.