Vignette: The Holy Spirit and the Father’s Blessing

As I knelt before the Most Blessed Sacrament recently, our Lord brought to mind an image that stirred a memory from several years ago. 

We had nearly reached the end of the Unbound Ministry session with Neal Lozano, a session that was part of my e-course training with Heart of the Father Ministries.  During that prayer session, the Lord had peeled back yet another layer of healing, and as Neal began to wrap up the session by praying the Father’s blessing over me, he said he was seeing something unusual that he hadn’t really seen before. 

The Lord was showing him raindrops. 

Now Neal had no way of knowing that just the week before two friends and I had gotten caught in a thunderstorm while in kayaks on the river in Tionesta.  We had waited out the worst of it on an island in the Allegheny, but we still ended up kayaking in a soft summer rain the rest of the trip back.  

I was never afraid that day, although my friends were perhaps a little.  An inexplicable peace had settled over me the whole time, and as we paddled down the river in the rain I was just so happy, so filled with joy even though the rain never let up. I felt completely surrounded by the love of God.

My friend Gwen had pointed out that as the raindrops were hitting the water, they were creating  thousands of tiny crosses on its surface.  It was so incredibly beautiful.  

So when Neal told me he was seeing raindrops, I just cried.  He had no way of knowing about that rainy day on the river.  But the Holy Spirit did, and the Eternal Father lavished me with His love through that blessing that day.

When our Lord brought to mind the image of me in the kayak on the river in the rain, the love of the Father filled my heart yet again. 

I will never again see raindrops in quite the same way…


Our Lord is Teaching Me to Listen